We play to express, not to impress.
The Mayflower netball team is made up of a group of disciplined and committed team players who possess a passion for the game as well as a strong conviction for sporting values such as respect for fair-play, resilience and commitment to excellence. Our team competes annually in the South Zone Primary Schools Netball Championships. We also take part in other tournaments such as Singapore Sports School Netball Carnival, KidzNet Carnival and Blaze Netball Carnival. Our netball players also take part in friendly games with other school players during the pre-season competition period.
Netball provides many opportunities for our members to be active team players as well as disciplined and self-directed learners. Learning dispositions such as persisting, thinking flexibly, striving for accuracy, applying past knowledge to new situations, taking responsible risks, thinking interdependently and remaining open to continuous learning are acquired along the way.
The school netball team trains weekly under the close supervision of teachers and a certified netball coach. They work on skills such as shooting, footwork, passing, spacing, attack and defense tactics. We also empower our senior players to guide the young and new ones into the sport during CCA sessions.
Most importantly, netball provides opportunities for our members to acquire leadership skills and develop strength of character necessary for the 21st century.