Track and Field
Track and Field
Track and Field, was officially offered as a CCA to our students in 2020. However, long before this, our students had already been excelling at the National Track & Field Championships. These students were already in a CCA but their passion and interest for the sport brought them together to train in the afternoons after school. Their hard work did not let them down as they did themselves and the school proud at the Championships. It is this passion and the rich experience they had that convinced us that we should officially offer Track and Field as a CCA to our students. Hence, the birth of Track and Field as a CCA in 2020.
Our Track and Field programme is designed to bring about a “Student-Centric, Values Driven” co-curriculum. The following guiding principles ensure that our students in the Track and Field CCA can and will develop holistically in the moral, cognitive, social-emotional and physical domain.
Developmental and age appropriate
Promotes Social bonding and Integration
It is our goal that by the time our students leave Mayflower Primary School, they would be equipped with not just the knowledge and skills of the various disciplines in Track and Field, but also the values and attitudes associated with it such as goal setting, self-discipline, teamwork, perseverance and resilience.